Parent/Guardian Information
All Washington state students in grades 4 through 12 are required by law to receive age appropriate sexual health education. Beginning grade 5, all students shall be presented with health instruction about the risks of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
Health Smart Curriculum materials and relevant lessons may be previewed using the links below.
Learning by Choice: Student Enrollment Options in Washington (link here)
Washington Choice Transfer Request Online Portal (link here)
Mill A School District Policy 3141: Acceptance of Non-Resident Students (link here)
Mill A School recognizes that parent and family engagement helps all students achieve to the best of their ability. To promote parent and family engagement, the school adopts the following plan, which describes how the administration and staff of Mill A School will involve parents and family members of Title I students in developing and implementing the district’s Title I programs.
The MAS Title I, Part A, Parent & Family Engagement Plan can be viewed or downloaded here
MASD Title I, Part A, Policy 4130 can be viewed or downloaded here.
The State Requires That MASD Post the following information about the funding of our Associate Student Body or ASB chapters here
Dean of Students Kaylene Herman is the MASD Homeless Liaison, and may provide information and support for homeless students in the Mill A School District. Mrs. Herman can be reached at (509) 538-2522 or via email at:
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
On January 16, 2018, the US Department of Education approved Washington's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated Plan. Submitted in September 2017, the plan outlines how districts in our state, in coordination with OSPI, will improve learning for each and every student in Washington. Congress passed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) as the replacement for No Child Left Behind in 2015.
A citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of district policy, federal rule, law, or regulation, or state regulation that applies to a federal program. Anyone can file a citizen complaint and there is no special form required for submitting a complaint.
The Office of Public Instruction (OSPI) has some great information on how to keep your children safe online. Children are growing up in the social networking age, so here are a few tips for parents to be able to discuss this issue with their child.​
This handout and accompanying website are directed at parents, giving them questions to ask their children about their online activities. They provide lots of tips and useful information to help parents and children stay safe online.
Information that was once included in our Student handbook. Covering all types of topics, including but not limited to: students rights, school rules, sexual harassment policy, and truancy. Please contact superintendent Bob Rogers with any questions or comments.
This page contains information about student health and safety, assessments, state learning standards, support programs, and more.
Historical Data for how Mill A School testing scores compares with the rest of the state and all other districts. SBA ELA and Math results are suppressed when there are fewer than 10 students per grade.